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Top 20 Amazon PPC Advertising Software and Tools With Pricing

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Amazon Advertising Is on the Rise

Amazon's advertising business has been growing rapidly in recent years, and it is now one of the largest and most successful advertising platforms in the world. According to some estimates, Amazon's advertising revenue grew at a faster rate than any other public tech company in recent years, and it is now the third-largest digital advertising platform in the world, behind only Google and Facebook.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the rapid growth of Amazon's advertising business. One of the main reasons is the increasing popularity of Amazon as a shopping destination, with more and more consumers turning to the platform to search for and purchase products online. This has created a large and highly targeted audience for advertisers to reach, and has made Amazon an attractive platform for brands and sellers to advertise their products.

In addition, Amazon has invested heavily in developing its advertising capabilities and has rolled out a number of new ad formats and targeting options in recent years. These features have made it easier for advertisers to reach their desired audience and have helped to drive the growth of Amazon's advertising business.

Most customizable platform: Sellozo

Most extensive advertising platform: Skai ($800+ a month)

Most set it and forget it: Perpetua ($250+ a month)

Best Budget Option: Zon.Tools ($9+ a month)

1. Sellozo

Sellozo Platform

Sellozo is an AI-driven automation platform with optional fully-managed services. All offered at flat-fee pricing without long-term contracts. With Sellozo’s Amazon PPC Ad Automation technology, you can ensure your ads are optimized to perform at their best with experts to back you up. It features bid optimization, keyword discovery, campaign and ad launch automation, negative keyword automation, dayparting, and more.

With Sellozo’s drag-and-drop Campaign Studio feature, you can plan, map, and optimize your next promotional strategy with visually-driven tools designed especially for Amazon sellers. It offers visually based campaign modeling tools, custom, and pre-made campaign templates, algorithm and machine learning-based search term/keyword research tools, and easy keyword management and cross-campaign implementation.

2. Pacvue

Pacvue is a full suite Advertising tool that is designed to help users manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on Amazon. It was recently acquired by Assembly.

One of the main features of Pacvue is its ability to create custom rules for managing and optimizing advertising campaigns. These rules allow users to specify the parameters and criteria for their campaigns, such as the keywords to target, the budget to allocate, and the target audience to reach. Pacvue then uses these rules to automate the process of creating and managing campaigns based on the user's specified parameters.

Pacvue is most popular

Pacvue is known for its specialized reports and its ability to help users find new opportunities for advertising. It provides data and insights on target keywords and ASINs, which can be helpful for identifying new products and niches to target.

Pacvue is an expensive tool, with pricing starting at $500 per month, and it also takes a percentage of advertising revenue. It is primarily geared towards large businesses and professional advertisers and may not be suitable for smaller or casual sellers.

3. Skai (Kenshoo)

Skai is a software tool that is designed to help users manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on platforms such as Amazon, Google, and Bing. It is known for its advanced features and flexible automation capabilities, as well as its ability to create custom rules for managing campaigns.

One of the main features of Skai is its range of experiments and automated program audits, which allow users to test different ad strategies and optimize their campaigns in real-time. These features can be helpful for identifying which ads are performing well and which are not, and for making adjustments to improve the performance of campaigns.

Skai (Kenshoo) helps users perform on big platforms

Skai also offers flexible automation capabilities that allow users to customize their campaigns and choose which aspects of the process to automate. This can be useful for optimizing campaigns and streamlining the advertising process.

Skai is a relatively expensive tool, with pricing starting at $800 per month, and it also takes a percentage of ad spend after advertising more than $10k per month. It is geared towards large businesses and professional advertisers, and may not be suitable for smaller or casual sellers. Overall, Skai is a powerful and feature-rich tool that can be useful for anyone looking to manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on Amazon and other platforms.

4. SmartScout

SmartScout provides data on PPC rankings and conversion rates

SmartScout does not automate advertising campaigns, but rather provides data and insights that can be useful for identifying opportunities and making informed decisions about how to optimize campaigns.

One of the main features of SmartScout is its ability to show users the win rates of their competitors' advertising campaigns, as well as the keywords they are targeting. This can be helpful for identifying areas where you may be able to gain a competitive advantage and for adjusting your own campaigns accordingly.

SmartScout also provides data on product rankings over time and keyword conversion rates, which can be useful for identifying trends and patterns in consumer behavior and for optimizing campaigns to increase sales and conversions.

5. Quartile

Quartile is known for its advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, which allow it to divide every keyword into its own campaign and optimize the keyword rank boosts.

One of the main features of Quartile is its unique campaign structure, which allows it to fully optimize the performance of each keyword. This can be helpful for improving the visibility and ranking of different products and keywords, and for driving more traffic and sales to your products.

Quartile is known for their AI tools

However, the fact that Quartile divides every keyword into its own campaign can also be a drawback, as it can lead to a large number of campaigns and may be difficult to manage for some users.

The price for entry is $895 and up to $10k. Serious price for a serious tool.

6. Zon.Tools is known for their user friendly interface is a software tool that is designed to help users manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on Amazon. It is an all-in-one PPC (pay-per-click) platform that offers a range of features and tools for launching and scaling profitable campaigns.

One of the main features of is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to create and manage campaigns. It also offers the ability to do manual bulk optimization across multiple campaigns, which can be useful for optimizing the performance of different products and keywords.

However, does not currently allow for dayparting or dynamic campaign bidding, which are advanced features that can help users optimize their campaigns based on the time of day or other factors.

7. Teikametrics

Teikametrics is a software tool that is designed to help users manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on platforms such as Amazon, Google, and Bing. It is known for its advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, which allow it to analyze data and make informed decisions about how to optimize campaigns.

One of the main features of Teikametrics is its ability to show users why it made certain bid changes and other optimizations to their campaigns. This can be helpful for understanding the reasoning behind different decisions and for making informed adjustments to optimize the performance of campaigns.

teikametrics has a team to help you make decisions

Teikametrics is also known for its managed service, which allows users to have their campaigns managed and optimized by a team of experts. This can be useful for those who do not have the time or expertise to manage their own campaigns, or for those who want to take a more hands-off approach to advertising.

The tool is now free for brand new sellers and 3% of ad sales for large advertisers.

8. Perpetua

Perpetua is a tool has a easy to use interface

Perpetua is a paid tool that is designed to help businesses create and manage Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns. PPC is a form of online advertising in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads. Perpetua is intended to make it easier for businesses to create and manage PPC campaigns on Amazon, with features like keyword research, bid management, and ad optimization.

Perpetua's user interface is designed to be easy to use, with intuitive navigation and clear instructions to help users accomplish their goals. The tool also offers features specifically designed for scaling video advertisements, such as the ability to create and manage sponsored video campaigns and track the performance of video ads.

9. PPC Entourage

PPC Entourage offers keyword harvesting

PPC Entourage is a paid tool that is designed to help businesses create and manage Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns. As you mentioned, PPC Entourage is a rule-based platform, which means that it uses pre-defined rules to automatically optimize and manage PPC campaigns. This can be a useful feature for businesses that want to save time on campaign management, but it may also have some limitations for those who want more control or flexibility in their campaign strategies.

One potential advantage of PPC Entourage is that it offers keyword harvesting, which is the process of finding and collecting relevant keywords for use in PPC campaigns. This can be a helpful feature for businesses that are looking to expand their reach on Amazon by targeting new keywords.

PPC Entourage is offered on a subscription basis, with pricing at 2.9% of Ad Spend. As with any tool, it is important to consider the features and cost of PPC Entourage in relation to your business needs and budget to determine if it is a good fit for you.

10. Ad Badger

Ad Badger's PPC Power Ratio

Ad Badger offers both artificial intelligence (AI) and custom rules for advertising, which gives users the option to choose the level of automation and control they want in their campaigns. The tool's AI feature is designed to optimize campaigns using machine learning algorithms, while the custom rules feature allows users to set specific criteria for their campaigns and have the tool automatically adjust bids and budgets accordingly.

Ad Badger also has its own custom metric called PPC Power Ratio, which is a measure of how aggressively a user is testing new ads. This metric is intended to help users track the performance of their campaigns and make informed decisions about how to allocate their advertising budgets.

In addition to its PPC tool, Ad Badger also offers a podcast on advertising on Amazon, which may be a useful resource for businesses looking to learn more about this topic.

11. Downstream

Downstream is owned by Jungle Scout

Downstream is now run by the fine folk of Jungle Scout. One of the features of Downstream is target harvesting, which is the process of finding and collecting relevant keywords and product targets for use in PPC campaigns. You’re going to want this to grow you keyword base of profitable terms to advertise on.

Downstream also offers artificial intelligence (AI) bid optimization and custom rules for advertising, which gives users the option to choose the level of automation and control they want in their campaigns. The tool's AI feature is designed to optimize campaigns using machine learning algorithms, while the custom rules feature allows users to set specific criteria for their campaigns and have the tool automatically adjust bids and budgets accordingly. It is worth noting that Downstream does not currently offer AI for sponsored display ads.

Downstream is a more expensive tool, with pricing starting at $1,000 per month.

12. SellerApp

Sellerapp offers advertising optimization

While SellerApp does offer some features related to advertising optimization, it is primarily focused on product research and analysis, rather than creating and managing Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns.

Some of the features that SellerApp offers for advertising optimization include keyword research, ad performance tracking, and ad targeting recommendations. These features may be helpful for businesses looking to improve the performance of their PPC campaigns, but they may not offer the same level of functionality as dedicated PPC management tools.

13. IntentWise

Intentwise is a paid tool that is designed to help businesses create and manage Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns. Intentwise offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including keyword target harvesting and negative keyword management. Keyword target harvesting is the process of finding and collecting relevant keywords for use in PPC campaigns, while negative keyword management is the process of identifying and excluding irrelevant keywords from your campaigns to improve targeting and reduce wasted spend.

Intentwise accelerates your PPC growth

Intentwise has also introduced dayparting to its advertising features, which allows users to schedule their ads to run at specific times of the day or week. This can be a useful feature for businesses that want to target specific audiences or optimize their ad spend based on the time of day.

Intentwise is offered on a subscription basis, with pricing starting at $499 per month and going up to 2 percent of your advertising spend, depending on the plan you choose. It is important to consider the features and cost of any PPC tool in relation to your business needs and budget to determine if it is a good fit for you. It may also be helpful to research and compare different options to get a better understanding of the options available and the pros and cons of each.

14. Helium 10 Adtomic

Adtomic is Helium 10's version of PPC management

Helium 10 Adtomic is a paid tool for creating and managing Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns that is included with a subscription to Helium 10, a product research and optimization tool for Amazon sellers. Adtomic is a newer tool and may not offer as many features as some of the more established PPC management tools. However, it may be a good fit for businesses that already use Helium 10 and want to incorporate PPC management into their workflow.

Adtomic offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including keyword research, bid management, and ad optimization. It also integrates with other Helium 10 tools, such as Black Box and Cerebro, to provide additional insights and data for improving PPC performance.

15. Trellis

Trellis offers advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns at a relatively low cost, with pricing starting at $99 per month. This may make it a good option for businesses that are looking for budget-friendly tools with advanced AI capabilities.

Trellis offers advanced AI machine learning

However, it is worth noting that Trellis does not allow users to set custom rules for their campaigns. This means that users must rely on the tool's AI algorithms to optimize and manage their campaigns, rather than being able to specify their own criteria or preferences. This may be a limitation for businesses that want more control over their campaigns or that have specific strategies in mind.

16. BidX

BidX offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including the ability to do manual bulk optimization across multiple campaigns at once. This can be a useful feature for businesses that want to make changes to multiple campaigns at the same time, rather than having to make changes one campaign at a time.

BidX creates custom reports for your business

BidX also offers the ability to create custom reports that include data from scraped pages. This can be a helpful feature for businesses that want to track and analyze specific data points or trends related to their PPC campaigns.

BidX is offered on a subscription basis, with pricing starting at $149 per month.

17. AdBrew

AdBrew offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including the ability to create bulk campaigns. This can be a useful feature for businesses that want to create and launch multiple campaigns at the same time, rather than having to create and launch them one at a time.

Goal focused PPC is what AdBrew brings to the table

AdBrew also has a unique view that allows users to see the rankings achieved from their ad spend, as well as a share of voice view that helps users understand how their campaigns are performing relative to their competitors. These features may be helpful for businesses that want to track and analyze the performance of their PPC campaigns in detail.

18. FeedVisor

Feedvisor uses machine learning to customize your PPC strategy

Feedvisor uses machine learning to optimize and automate PPC campaigns, and offers a range of features for improving campaign performance, such as keyword research and profitability tracking. These features may be helpful for businesses that want to expand their reach on Amazon and optimize their ad spend.

Feedvisor is a more expensive tool, with pricing starting at $1,500 per month.

19. MarinOne

MarinOne is a new tool that has created competition

Marin One is a newer tool that has focused on catching up with more established competitors in terms of features and functionality. The tool offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including bid management and dayparting, which allows users to schedule their ads to run at specific times of the day or week.

Marin One is a more expensive tool, with pricing starting at $2,000 per month.

20. Kaspien

Kaspien is a large part of Amazon selling

Kaspien Advertising is part of a larger Amazon seller and may not have invested as much in its product as some other PPC management tools. However, it is still a robust tool for many use cases, and offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

Kaspien Advertising is offered on a subscription basis, with pricing starting at $99 per month.

The Difference Between AI Driven Tools and Rule Based Tools

What is better? AI tools or Rule based tools?

Rule-based advertising tools and AI-based advertising tools are two different types of tools that are used to create and manage advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google and Amazon.

Rule-based advertising tools are based on a set of predetermined rules or algorithms that are used to automate the process of creating and managing advertising campaigns. These tools allow users to set specific parameters for their campaigns, such as the keywords to target, the budget to allocate, and the target audience to reach. The tool then uses these rules to create and manage the campaigns automatically, based on the user's specified parameters.

AI-based advertising tools, on the other hand, use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyze data and optimize advertising campaigns in real-time. These tools are designed to learn and adapt to changes in consumer behavior and market conditions, and can make decisions about which ads to show and to whom, based on the data they collect. AI-based advertising tools can be more flexible and responsive than rule-based tools, but may also require more setup and management to ensure that they are effective.

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