Selling on Amazon
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Jungle Scout Doesn’t Offer a Free Trial: What’s the Best Alternative?

Jungle Scout, unfortunately, doesn't offer a free trial for those looking to test out the software. However, there's still a way for you to try it without risking your hard-earned money.

Make the Most of the 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Jungle Scout provides a 7-day money-back guarantee, a fantastic opportunity to explore the platform.

Here’s what you need to do: 

  • Subscribe to a plan
  • Use the software to see if it’s the right fit for your needs
  • Ask for a refund if you don’t want to proceed with the plan

It's that simple. Just contact their customer support within the first week and let them know you'd like a refund. No strings attached. The 7-day money-back guarantee is the closest thing to a free trial. It's a way to test Jungle Scout without losing money if you decide it's not the right fit for your business. The point is you've got nothing to lose for trying out the software.

Jungle Scout Free Tools

Even though Jungle Scout doesn't offer a free trial, they provide a couple of valuable tools you can use without any cost. These free tools can benefit Amazon sellers looking to optimize their business without committing to a paid subscription.

A. FBA Profit Calculator

The FBA Profit Calculator is an excellent tool for Amazon sellers wanting to determine a product's potential profit. This handy calculator helps you estimate the costs associated with Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program.

By inputting your product's cost, size, weight, and other necessary details, the FBA Profit Calculator will give you a clear picture of your potential profits, fees, and overall margins.

  • Visit Jungle Scout's FBA Calculator page
  • Enter your name and email address
  • Open Jungle Scout’s email and click “Download your FBA Profit Calculator”

FBA Profit Calculator
  • Input your product info on the spreadsheet to calculate your potential profit.
FBA Profit Calculator

B. Amazon Sales Estimator

Another free tool from Jungle Scout is the Amazon Sales Estimator. This tool helps you get a rough estimate of a product’s monthly sales volume.

Copy and paste the product's Best Seller's Rank (BSR), select the relevant marketplace and category, and Jungle Scout's Sales Estimator will give you the product's estimated monthly sales. 

Amazon Sales Estimator

The Best Jungle Scout Alternative With a Free Trial

If you'd rather avoid the hassle of paying upfront for Jungle Scout and then requesting a refund to test the software, there's good news: there are other tools, such as SmartScout, that offer a free trial to help you get started with your Amazon selling journey.

SmartScout shares similar functionalities with Jungle Scout, making it an excellent alternative for beginner and experienced Amazon sellers.

For those starting to sell on Amazon, SmartScout can help you:

  • Identify profitable products and niches
  • Perform in-depth market and competitor analysis
  • Automatically build & optimize your listings, and more.

Despite being relatively new to the market, numerous big-name companies have already adopted SmartScout as their go-to tool for scaling their businesses.

Some of them include the following:

Best Jungle Scout Alternative With a Free Trial

The comprehensive suite of features, user-friendly interface, and reasonable pricing have made SmartScout an attractive choice for these big brands.

SmartScout: Born from Firsthand Experience and Real-World Success

SmartScout isn't just another Amazon seller tool. It's a solution built on firsthand experience and success.

Scott Needham, co-founder and CEO of BuyBoxer, is the mastermind behind SmartScout. He created SmartScout for his own use to grow and optimize BuyBoxer's operations, and it remained exclusive to the business for years.

Now, BuyBoxer stands out as one of the biggest and most successful FBA sellers on Amazon, with an impressive catalog of over 300,000 active listings, making BuyBoxer one of the top FBA sellers in the world.

It has maintained an astonishing annual sales figure of over $50 million for seven consecutive years, demonstrating their prowess in the industry.

Bottomline: When you choose SmartScout, you're not only getting an advanced Amazon seller tool, but you're also benefiting from the expertise and experience of one of the smartest Amazon sellers out there.

With SmartScout, you can leverage Scott Needham's knowledge and insights to boost your own Amazon selling journey and achieve the success you're aiming for.

Scale Your Amazon Business Faster with SmartScout

In the competitive world of Amazon selling, having a powerful tool such as SmartScout in your arsenal can make all the difference in achieving your desired growth. Designed to automate and simplify time-consuming tasks, SmartScout enables you to quickly identify new product ideas, craft compelling listings, and quickly analyze your competitors' keywords.

Here are some ways SmartScout can help you scale your Amazon business faster and more efficiently:

Product Research

Unlike traditional research methods focusing solely on high-demand and low-competition products, SmartScout takes a more comprehensive approach. It allows sellers to hunt for profitable product ideas not only at the product level but also at the brand, subcategory, and seller levels. This innovative approach increases the chances of discovering unique product ideas that most other sellers cannot see.

Tool #1 Products: SmartScout's Products tool provides a bird's eye view of top-selling products with the highest ROI on a single page, making product research more manageable and convenient. With 19 data points that act as filters, you can easily trim the list and focus on products with the highest return on your capital.

Tool #2 Brands: The Brands tool is perfect for Amazon wholesale businesses looking to find the best brands with the lowest competition. As the only tool that shows all brands across multiple Amazon marketplaces on one page, it provides in-depth information for each brand, featuring 19 data points to help you zero in on the most promising opportunities.

Tool #3 Subcategories: This is the only tool in the market that allows you to quickly scan over 25,000 Amazon subcategories in a user-friendly interface. This organized approach enables you to identify profitable products in your target niche without feeling overwhelmed or lost. The Subcategory Tree shares the same browsability structure as Amazon, giving you a familiar browsing experience while exploring the platform.

Product Listing Creation

When it comes to creating and optimizing product listings, SmartScout has a clear advantage over Jungle Scout. While Jungle Scout offers a listing builder that simplifies the process, sellers still need to invest time in keyword research and crafting listing titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

SmartScout takes listing optimization to the next level with its AI Listing Architect. Harnessing the power of the latest AI technology, this tool eliminates the need for manual work and creates keyword-rich product listings in less than 5 minutes.

To use SmartScout's AI Listing Architect, all you have to do is click the magic wand button and let the technology work its magic. Within minutes, you'll have a professionally crafted listing infused with keywords that your customers use to search for your product.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is how you harvest the words and phrases potential customers use when searching for a product similar to yours. Optimizing product listings with relevant and high-traffic keywords can increase your product's visibility, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately drive more sales.

SmartScout's keyword research tools are not only at par with Jungle Scout but, in many cases, even surpass them in terms of convenience and accuracy.

Tool #1 Rank Maker

Rank Maker, an innovative reverse ASIN lookup tool, helps you to harvest words and phrases that lead your target customers to your competitors' product listings.

It's like reverse-engineering how your competitors gained visitors so that you can divert their traffic flow to your own product page.

It’s easy to use.

  • Click “Search Terms.”
  • Paste ASIN at the search bar.
  • Click “Rank Maker.”

Tool #2 Keyword Detective

Keyword Detective creates a Venn Diagram of your product and two of your top competitors, showing the relationship between the unique and common keywords you and your competitors are targeting. This feature is exclusive to SmartScout, as no other Amazon SEO tool offers a direct way to compare multiple products' keywords simultaneously.

It's a convenient tool that helps you compare your product against your competitors from a new perspective. 

Keyword Detective

SmartScout's Unique Features: Elevate Your Amazon Selling Game

Traffic Graph: Uncover Bundle Opportunities and Boost Sales

Traffic Graph is a tool that shows you a constellation of products interlinked by purple and golden arrows. Purple arrows are where a product's traffic comes from, while the golden one points to where the traffic goes next.

Understanding these product relationships can help you generate ideas for bundle opportunities and strategically target ads for products often bought together.

Scope: Historical Performance for Market Research

Scope simplifies your market research by showing historical sales performance data for brands and products across different marketplaces. By analyzing data from the past six months, one year, and two years, you can gain valuable insights into trending products and those losing market appeal. 

Seller Search: Reverse-Engineer the Strategies of Successful Sellers

With Seller Search, you can study the secret strategies of Amazon's top sellers and adopt their best practices to succeed in your own venture. This tool lists every Amazon seller in any marketplace, allowing you to focus on those you want to emulate. You can develop a winning strategy for your Amazon business by learning from the best of the best.

Ad Spy: Unleash Your Advertising Potential

Ad Spy can help you infiltrate your competitor's campaign strategy, revealing a brand's paid search terms and the keyword win rates for every sponsored page position.  

Ad Spy

With Ad Spy, you can assess your current ad position, spy on competitors' strategies, and refine your campaigns to target the most effective search terms. Armed with this valuable intel, you'll be able to reach customers who are already searching for your products and boost your ad performance.

FBA Calculator: Optimize Your FBA Fees and Maximize Profits

SmartScout's FBA Calculator helps Amazon sellers better understand and manage their Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) fees. 

FBA Calculator

This tool lets you maximize your profits on every product by providing a detailed breakdown of fulfillment fees. You can also reduce your fees by adjusting product sizes and weight before production, ensuring you don't pay more than necessary.

UPC Scanner: Streamline Product Research and Boost Efficiency

With SmartScout’s UPC Scanner, you can turn hours of manual research into just a few minutes of efficient scanning. It can scan thousands of products in minutes and identify items with the highest return on investment (ROI), eliminating the need for tedious one-by-one profitability calculations.

SmartScout Pricing: Choose the Best Plan for Your Amazon Business

Basic Plan: A Great Start for Beginner Sellers

If you're a beginner Amazon Seller, the Basic plan is an excellent choice. Priced at $29 per month for a monthly subscription or $25 per month if you pay yearly, this plan offers essential tools and features to help you start your Amazon selling journey.

Essentials Plan: Perfect for Resellers & Private Label Sellers

The Essentials plan is the way to go for resellers and private-label sellers looking to step up their game. With a monthly subscription cost of $97, or a discounted rate of $75 per month for a yearly subscription, this plan equips you with advanced tools and resources to help you grow your business and stay ahead of the competition.

Business Plan: Ideal for Established Brands

If you're already running a successful brand on Amazon and looking to expand further, the Business plan is tailored for you. It is priced at $187 per month for a monthly subscription or $158 per month when paid yearly.

Enterprise Plan: The Ultimate Solution for Agencies and Bigger Brands

For agencies and larger brands requiring a customized solution, the Enterprise plan offers the ultimate package.
To access pricing information and discuss your specific needs, you'll need to contact a SmartScout representative. This personalized approach ensures you receive the best tools and resources tailored to your business's unique needs.

Final Thoughts

While Jungle Scout is a popular choice for many Amazon sellers, it's worth noting that it doesn't offer a free trial. However, they provide a 7-day money-back guarantee, which means you can try it and see if it's a good match for your business. There are also other options, such as SmartScout, which could be an even better fit for you.

Unlike Jungle Scout, SmartScout offers a 7-day free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee, giving you plenty of time to determine if it's the right tool for your business. With unique features designed specifically for Amazon sellers, SmartScout is worth checking out as an alternative to Jungle Scout.

Jungle Scout has long been a go-to tool for Amazon sellers, offering invaluable insights and resources to help grow their businesses. With its exceptional reputation and powerful features, it's no wonder many beginner Amazon sellers are eager to try Jungle Scout.

Frequently Asked Questions

Selling on Amazon
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Jungle Scout Doesn’t Offer a Free Trial: What’s the Best Alternative?

25+ “How to Sell on Amazon” Courses, Mentorships, and Trainings

Jungle Scout, unfortunately, doesn't offer a free trial for those looking to test out the software. However, there's still a way for you to try it without risking your hard-earned money.

Make the Most of the 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Jungle Scout provides a 7-day money-back guarantee, a fantastic opportunity to explore the platform.

Here’s what you need to do: 

  • Subscribe to a plan
  • Use the software to see if it’s the right fit for your needs
  • Ask for a refund if you don’t want to proceed with the plan

It's that simple. Just contact their customer support within the first week and let them know you'd like a refund. No strings attached. The 7-day money-back guarantee is the closest thing to a free trial. It's a way to test Jungle Scout without losing money if you decide it's not the right fit for your business. The point is you've got nothing to lose for trying out the software.

Jungle Scout Free Tools

Even though Jungle Scout doesn't offer a free trial, they provide a couple of valuable tools you can use without any cost. These free tools can benefit Amazon sellers looking to optimize their business without committing to a paid subscription.

A. FBA Profit Calculator

The FBA Profit Calculator is an excellent tool for Amazon sellers wanting to determine a product's potential profit. This handy calculator helps you estimate the costs associated with Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program.

By inputting your product's cost, size, weight, and other necessary details, the FBA Profit Calculator will give you a clear picture of your potential profits, fees, and overall margins.

  • Visit Jungle Scout's FBA Calculator page
  • Enter your name and email address
  • Open Jungle Scout’s email and click “Download your FBA Profit Calculator”

FBA Profit Calculator
  • Input your product info on the spreadsheet to calculate your potential profit.
FBA Profit Calculator

B. Amazon Sales Estimator

Another free tool from Jungle Scout is the Amazon Sales Estimator. This tool helps you get a rough estimate of a product’s monthly sales volume.

Copy and paste the product's Best Seller's Rank (BSR), select the relevant marketplace and category, and Jungle Scout's Sales Estimator will give you the product's estimated monthly sales. 

Amazon Sales Estimator

The Best Jungle Scout Alternative With a Free Trial

If you'd rather avoid the hassle of paying upfront for Jungle Scout and then requesting a refund to test the software, there's good news: there are other tools, such as SmartScout, that offer a free trial to help you get started with your Amazon selling journey.

SmartScout shares similar functionalities with Jungle Scout, making it an excellent alternative for beginner and experienced Amazon sellers.

For those starting to sell on Amazon, SmartScout can help you:

  • Identify profitable products and niches
  • Perform in-depth market and competitor analysis
  • Automatically build & optimize your listings, and more.

Despite being relatively new to the market, numerous big-name companies have already adopted SmartScout as their go-to tool for scaling their businesses.

Some of them include the following:

Best Jungle Scout Alternative With a Free Trial

The comprehensive suite of features, user-friendly interface, and reasonable pricing have made SmartScout an attractive choice for these big brands.

SmartScout: Born from Firsthand Experience and Real-World Success

SmartScout isn't just another Amazon seller tool. It's a solution built on firsthand experience and success.

Scott Needham, co-founder and CEO of BuyBoxer, is the mastermind behind SmartScout. He created SmartScout for his own use to grow and optimize BuyBoxer's operations, and it remained exclusive to the business for years.

Now, BuyBoxer stands out as one of the biggest and most successful FBA sellers on Amazon, with an impressive catalog of over 300,000 active listings, making BuyBoxer one of the top FBA sellers in the world.

It has maintained an astonishing annual sales figure of over $50 million for seven consecutive years, demonstrating their prowess in the industry.

Bottomline: When you choose SmartScout, you're not only getting an advanced Amazon seller tool, but you're also benefiting from the expertise and experience of one of the smartest Amazon sellers out there.

With SmartScout, you can leverage Scott Needham's knowledge and insights to boost your own Amazon selling journey and achieve the success you're aiming for.

Scale Your Amazon Business Faster with SmartScout

In the competitive world of Amazon selling, having a powerful tool such as SmartScout in your arsenal can make all the difference in achieving your desired growth. Designed to automate and simplify time-consuming tasks, SmartScout enables you to quickly identify new product ideas, craft compelling listings, and quickly analyze your competitors' keywords.

Here are some ways SmartScout can help you scale your Amazon business faster and more efficiently:

Product Research

Unlike traditional research methods focusing solely on high-demand and low-competition products, SmartScout takes a more comprehensive approach. It allows sellers to hunt for profitable product ideas not only at the product level but also at the brand, subcategory, and seller levels. This innovative approach increases the chances of discovering unique product ideas that most other sellers cannot see.

Tool #1 Products: SmartScout's Products tool provides a bird's eye view of top-selling products with the highest ROI on a single page, making product research more manageable and convenient. With 19 data points that act as filters, you can easily trim the list and focus on products with the highest return on your capital.

Tool #2 Brands: The Brands tool is perfect for Amazon wholesale businesses looking to find the best brands with the lowest competition. As the only tool that shows all brands across multiple Amazon marketplaces on one page, it provides in-depth information for each brand, featuring 19 data points to help you zero in on the most promising opportunities.

Tool #3 Subcategories: This is the only tool in the market that allows you to quickly scan over 25,000 Amazon subcategories in a user-friendly interface. This organized approach enables you to identify profitable products in your target niche without feeling overwhelmed or lost. The Subcategory Tree shares the same browsability structure as Amazon, giving you a familiar browsing experience while exploring the platform.

Product Listing Creation

When it comes to creating and optimizing product listings, SmartScout has a clear advantage over Jungle Scout. While Jungle Scout offers a listing builder that simplifies the process, sellers still need to invest time in keyword research and crafting listing titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

SmartScout takes listing optimization to the next level with its AI Listing Architect. Harnessing the power of the latest AI technology, this tool eliminates the need for manual work and creates keyword-rich product listings in less than 5 minutes.

To use SmartScout's AI Listing Architect, all you have to do is click the magic wand button and let the technology work its magic. Within minutes, you'll have a professionally crafted listing infused with keywords that your customers use to search for your product.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is how you harvest the words and phrases potential customers use when searching for a product similar to yours. Optimizing product listings with relevant and high-traffic keywords can increase your product's visibility, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately drive more sales.

SmartScout's keyword research tools are not only at par with Jungle Scout but, in many cases, even surpass them in terms of convenience and accuracy.

Tool #1 Rank Maker

Rank Maker, an innovative reverse ASIN lookup tool, helps you to harvest words and phrases that lead your target customers to your competitors' product listings.

It's like reverse-engineering how your competitors gained visitors so that you can divert their traffic flow to your own product page.

It’s easy to use.

  • Click “Search Terms.”
  • Paste ASIN at the search bar.
  • Click “Rank Maker.”

Tool #2 Keyword Detective

Keyword Detective creates a Venn Diagram of your product and two of your top competitors, showing the relationship between the unique and common keywords you and your competitors are targeting. This feature is exclusive to SmartScout, as no other Amazon SEO tool offers a direct way to compare multiple products' keywords simultaneously.

It's a convenient tool that helps you compare your product against your competitors from a new perspective. 

Keyword Detective

SmartScout's Unique Features: Elevate Your Amazon Selling Game

Traffic Graph: Uncover Bundle Opportunities and Boost Sales

Traffic Graph is a tool that shows you a constellation of products interlinked by purple and golden arrows. Purple arrows are where a product's traffic comes from, while the golden one points to where the traffic goes next.

Understanding these product relationships can help you generate ideas for bundle opportunities and strategically target ads for products often bought together.

Scope: Historical Performance for Market Research

Scope simplifies your market research by showing historical sales performance data for brands and products across different marketplaces. By analyzing data from the past six months, one year, and two years, you can gain valuable insights into trending products and those losing market appeal. 

Seller Search: Reverse-Engineer the Strategies of Successful Sellers

With Seller Search, you can study the secret strategies of Amazon's top sellers and adopt their best practices to succeed in your own venture. This tool lists every Amazon seller in any marketplace, allowing you to focus on those you want to emulate. You can develop a winning strategy for your Amazon business by learning from the best of the best.

Ad Spy: Unleash Your Advertising Potential

Ad Spy can help you infiltrate your competitor's campaign strategy, revealing a brand's paid search terms and the keyword win rates for every sponsored page position.  

Ad Spy

With Ad Spy, you can assess your current ad position, spy on competitors' strategies, and refine your campaigns to target the most effective search terms. Armed with this valuable intel, you'll be able to reach customers who are already searching for your products and boost your ad performance.

FBA Calculator: Optimize Your FBA Fees and Maximize Profits

SmartScout's FBA Calculator helps Amazon sellers better understand and manage their Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) fees. 

FBA Calculator

This tool lets you maximize your profits on every product by providing a detailed breakdown of fulfillment fees. You can also reduce your fees by adjusting product sizes and weight before production, ensuring you don't pay more than necessary.

UPC Scanner: Streamline Product Research and Boost Efficiency

With SmartScout’s UPC Scanner, you can turn hours of manual research into just a few minutes of efficient scanning. It can scan thousands of products in minutes and identify items with the highest return on investment (ROI), eliminating the need for tedious one-by-one profitability calculations.

SmartScout Pricing: Choose the Best Plan for Your Amazon Business

Basic Plan: A Great Start for Beginner Sellers

If you're a beginner Amazon Seller, the Basic plan is an excellent choice. Priced at $29 per month for a monthly subscription or $25 per month if you pay yearly, this plan offers essential tools and features to help you start your Amazon selling journey.

Essentials Plan: Perfect for Resellers & Private Label Sellers

The Essentials plan is the way to go for resellers and private-label sellers looking to step up their game. With a monthly subscription cost of $97, or a discounted rate of $75 per month for a yearly subscription, this plan equips you with advanced tools and resources to help you grow your business and stay ahead of the competition.

Business Plan: Ideal for Established Brands

If you're already running a successful brand on Amazon and looking to expand further, the Business plan is tailored for you. It is priced at $187 per month for a monthly subscription or $158 per month when paid yearly.

Enterprise Plan: The Ultimate Solution for Agencies and Bigger Brands

For agencies and larger brands requiring a customized solution, the Enterprise plan offers the ultimate package.
To access pricing information and discuss your specific needs, you'll need to contact a SmartScout representative. This personalized approach ensures you receive the best tools and resources tailored to your business's unique needs.

Final Thoughts

While Jungle Scout is a popular choice for many Amazon sellers, it's worth noting that it doesn't offer a free trial. However, they provide a 7-day money-back guarantee, which means you can try it and see if it's a good match for your business. There are also other options, such as SmartScout, which could be an even better fit for you.

Unlike Jungle Scout, SmartScout offers a 7-day free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee, giving you plenty of time to determine if it's the right tool for your business. With unique features designed specifically for Amazon sellers, SmartScout is worth checking out as an alternative to Jungle Scout.

Jungle Scout has long been a go-to tool for Amazon sellers, offering invaluable insights and resources to help grow their businesses. With its exceptional reputation and powerful features, it's no wonder many beginner Amazon sellers are eager to try Jungle Scout.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Jungle Scout for free?

No, you cannot use Jungle Scout for free. Jungle Scout operates on a subscription-based model with various pricing plans. While they don't offer a free trial, they provide a 7-day money-back guarantee. This means you can subscribe to a plan, test out the platform, and request a refund within the first seven days if it doesn't meet your needs.

How does the 7-day money-back guarantee work?

To take advantage of the 7-day money-back guarantee, you'll need to subscribe to one of Jungle Scout's plans and pay upfront. If you decide not to continue using the tool within the first seven days, you can request a refund, and you won't be charged for the subscription.

Can I access all Jungle Scout features during the 7-day money-back guarantee period?

The features available during the money-back guarantee period may be limited, but you'll still have access to essential tools such as the product database, product tracker, and historical sales data for products.

Can I still benefit from Jungle Scout's 7-day money-back guarantee if I have used their services in the past?

The money-back guarantee is generally intended for first-time users. However, you can contact Jungle Scout's customer support to inquire about your specific situation and see if you're eligible for the guarantee.

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