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What Shopify Products Would Sell on Amazon?

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Are you a Shopify store owner looking to expand your reach and increase your sales? Selling your products on Amazon might be the next logical step. With its massive customer base and global presence, Amazon offers you the potential to reach millions of new customers. But how do you determine which Shopify products are likely to sell well on Amazon? In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider and strategies to implement for successful cross-platform selling.

Understanding the Shopify and Amazon Marketplaces

Before diving into the specifics, it's important to understand the fundamental differences between Shopify and Amazon. While both platforms allow you to sell products online, they have distinct features and target different audiences.

When it comes to choosing between Shopify and Amazon, it's crucial to consider your business model and the level of control you desire. Let's take a closer look at these key differences.

Key Differences Between Shopify and Amazon

One of the key differences between Shopify and Amazon lies in their business models. Shopify is an eCommerce platform that helps businesses set up and run their own online stores. It empowers entrepreneurs to build their brand and create a unique online shopping experience tailored to their target audience.

On the other hand, Amazon is an online marketplace where third-party sellers can list and sell their products alongside Amazon's own offerings. It provides a massive customer base and a well-established infrastructure, making it easier for sellers to reach a wider audience. However, this convenience comes at the cost of limited control over branding and customer relationships.

Another important distinction is the level of control you have over your store and customer experience. With Shopify, you have full control over your branding, website design, and customer relationships. This means you can create a visually appealing and personalized online store that reflects your brand's identity. You can also establish direct communication channels with your customers, fostering a stronger connection and loyalty.

Amazon, however, provides a more uniform experience for shoppers across all listings. This consistency ensures that customers have a familiar and seamless shopping experience regardless of the seller. While this may limit your ability to differentiate your brand, it also means that customers trust the platform and are more likely to make purchases.

Identifying High-Demand Products on Both Platforms

To select the right Shopify products for Amazon, you need to identify those with high demand on both platforms. This ensures that there is already a market for your products and increases the likelihood of success.

One effective way to determine the demand is by conducting market research using tools like SmartScout. SmartScout is an Amazon market research tool that helps find selling opportunities and research competitors. It provides valuable insights into trending products, customer preferences, and competitor analysis.

By leveraging the power of tools like SmartScout, you can gain a deeper understanding of the market dynamics on both Shopify and Amazon. This knowledge allows you to make informed decisions about the products you choose to sell, maximizing your chances of capturing a profitable market segment.

Remember, success in the eCommerce world requires careful planning and strategic decision-making. By understanding the differences between Shopify and Amazon and conducting thorough market research, you can position your business for growth and profitability in the ever-evolving online marketplace.

Evaluating Your Shopify Products for Amazon

Once you have identified potential high-demand products, it's time to evaluate their suitability for selling on Amazon.

There are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

Assessing Product Profitability

Profitability is a crucial factor when deciding which products to sell on Amazon. Consider the product's cost, manufacturing or sourcing expenses, and potential selling price on Amazon. Don't forget to account for Amazon's fees and any additional costs such as shipping and storage.

It's important to conduct a thorough analysis of the market to understand the competition and pricing trends. Look for products that have a healthy profit margin and a consistent demand. Keep in mind that while a product may be popular on Shopify, it might not necessarily perform well on Amazon due to different customer preferences and expectations.

Considering Shipping and Logistics

Amazon has strict requirements and expectations when it comes to shipping and order fulfillment. Assess whether your products can be easily shipped to Amazon's fulfillment centers and if you can meet their delivery deadlines. Factor in the cost and logistics of shipping, especially for larger or heavier items.

Additionally, it's crucial to understand Amazon's fulfillment options and choose the one that best suits your business needs. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) can be a convenient option as it allows you to store your products in Amazon's warehouses and have them handle the shipping and customer service. However, it's important to carefully calculate the fees associated with FBA to ensure it aligns with your profit goals.

SmartScout can help you analyze shipping costs and timeframes to ensure your products are viable for Amazon's fulfillment network. By providing insights into shipping rates, estimated delivery times, and customer expectations, SmartScout can assist you in making informed decisions about which products to sell on Amazon.

Strategies for Successful Cross-Platform Selling

Once you have determined which Shopify products would sell well on Amazon, it's time to devise strategies to maximize your success.

Here are a few key strategies to consider:

Expanding your reach beyond Amazon can also be beneficial. Consider exploring other popular online marketplaces such as eBay, Walmart Marketplace, or Etsy to diversify your sales channels and reach a wider audience. Each platform has its unique set of customers and selling opportunities that you can leverage to grow your business further.

Optimizing Product Listings for Amazon

Creating compelling and keyword-rich product listings is crucial to gaining visibility on Amazon. Pay attention to product titles, descriptions, bullet points, and backend keywords. Use relevant keywords to optimize your listings and increase the chances of appearing in search results.

SmartScout can help you identify relevant keywords and analyze competitor listings to optimize your product listings effectively.

Furthermore, consider utilizing Amazon Advertising to promote your products and increase their visibility. Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads can help boost your products' visibility and drive more traffic to your listings, ultimately leading to increased sales.

Managing Inventory Across Both Platforms

Keeping track of inventory levels and ensuring stock availability is crucial to providing a seamless shopping experience on both Shopify and Amazon. Consider using inventory management tools that sync your inventory across both platforms, preventing overselling or stockouts.

With SmartScout, you can track inventory levels, monitor product performance, and receive alerts when stock is running low or needs replenishment.

Additionally, implementing a dynamic pricing strategy can help you stay competitive across platforms. Utilize repricing tools that automatically adjust your prices based on market conditions, competitor pricing, and demand fluctuations to maximize your sales and profitability.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Cross-Platform Selling

Selling on multiple platforms like Shopify and Amazon can present its fair share of challenges.

Here are a few common hurdles and tips for tackling them:

Navigating Amazon's Seller Policies

Amazon has strict guidelines and policies for sellers to follow. Familiarize yourself with these policies to avoid potential penalties or account suspensions. Stay informed about updates and changes and ensure compliance to maintain a smooth selling experience.

One important policy to be aware of is Amazon's product listing requirements. Amazon has specific guidelines for product titles, descriptions, and images. Ensuring that your listings meet these requirements is crucial for visibility and sales. Additionally, understanding Amazon's algorithm and how it ranks products can give you an edge in optimizing your listings for better visibility.

Handling Customer Service on Multiple Platforms

Providing excellent customer service is crucial, regardless of the platform. However, managing customer inquiries, returns, and orders from multiple platforms can be overwhelming.

Consider using customer service management tools that consolidate customer support tickets from different platforms into a single dashboard. This streamlines your customer service process and improves efficiency. Additionally, implementing an automated email system that sends personalized messages to customers after their purchase can help enhance their experience and build customer loyalty.

Another important aspect of customer service is addressing negative reviews or feedback. Responding promptly and professionally to customer concerns can turn a negative experience into a positive one. It's important to actively monitor your reviews and take appropriate actions to resolve any issues raised by customers.

Measuring Success in Your Cross-Platform Endeavor

Once you have implemented your cross-platform selling strategies, it's imperative to measure their effectiveness and make data-driven decisions.

Here are a few key metrics to track:

Tracking Sales and Performance Metrics

Monitor your sales performance on both Shopify and Amazon. Analyze key metrics like sales volume, conversion rates, and customer feedback to understand how your products are performing. This data will provide you with valuable insights into the success of your cross-platform endeavor.

For instance, by tracking your sales volume, you can identify which platforms are generating the most revenue for your business. This information will help you allocate your resources effectively and focus your marketing efforts on the platforms that yield the highest returns.

Additionally, analyzing conversion rates will give you a deeper understanding of how well your products are resonating with customers on each platform. By comparing conversion rates between Shopify and Amazon, you can identify any discrepancies and make necessary adjustments to optimize your strategies.

Customer feedback is another crucial metric to consider. By actively seeking and analyzing customer reviews and ratings, you can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your products. This information will enable you to make informed decisions on product improvements and enhancements.

To simplify the process of tracking these metrics, consider utilizing a comprehensive sales analytics tool like SmartScout. With SmartScout, you can easily monitor your progress, track your sales performance, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Adjusting Your Strategy Based on Data

Once you have collected and analyzed the relevant data, it's time to make informed decisions and refine your cross-platform selling strategy. The data you gather will serve as a compass, guiding you towards success.

Identify trends in your sales data to capitalize on successful products. By recognizing which products are performing exceptionally well, you can allocate more resources towards their promotion and ensure their continued success across platforms.

Pricing is another aspect that can be adjusted based on the data you collect. By analyzing the sales data and customer feedback, you can determine whether your pricing strategy is optimal or if adjustments need to be made. This data-driven approach will help you find the sweet spot that maximizes both profit and customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, marketing efforts can be fine-tuned based on the data you collect. If you notice that a particular platform is underperforming in terms of conversion rates, you can adjust your marketing strategies specifically for that platform. This targeted approach will help you reach your desired audience more effectively and increase your chances of converting potential customers into loyal buyers.

Lastly, inventory management is another area where data can play a crucial role. By analyzing sales volume and demand patterns, you can optimize your inventory levels and ensure that you always have the right products available at the right time. This data-driven approach will help you avoid stockouts and minimize inventory holding costs.

Measuring the success of your cross-platform endeavor is essential for making informed decisions and optimizing your strategies. By tracking key metrics, such as sales volume, conversion rates, and customer feedback, you can identify areas for improvement and adjust your approach accordingly.

Utilizing a comprehensive sales analytics tool like SmartScout can simplify the process and provide you with real-time data to guide your decision-making. Remember, data is your ally in achieving cross-platform success!


Selling your Shopify products on Amazon can be a lucrative endeavor if done strategically. Understand the differences between the two platforms, identify high-demand products, and use tools like SmartScout to research competitors and optimize your listing. Overcome common challenges with thorough planning and efficient inventory management. Monitor your performance, make data-driven decisions, and continuously refine your strategies. With the right approach, your Shopify products have the potential to thrive in the vast Amazon marketplace.

Remember, SmartScout has a free trial and is a smart way to understand your opportunities and competition. Whether you are a new business owner or an experienced Amazon seller, leverage SmartScout to unlock your selling potential!

Start Your SmartScout Journey Today

Ready to take your Shopify products to the next level on Amazon?

SmartScout is here to guide you every step of the way. Discover untapped opportunities, gain in-depth market insights, and stay ahead of the competition with our comprehensive analytics tools. From identifying lucrative brands and categories to researching competitors and tracking which products generate the most revenue, SmartScout is your partner in eCommerce success. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your Amazon strategy.

Sign up for a Free Trial of our best-in-market software today and unlock the full potential of your online business.

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